19 February 2015

Thank You For My Liebster Award.

First of all I want to say a huge, huge thank you to Amy, the writer of the gorgeous beauty and lifestyle blog Get Glam.

Secondly, a little bit about the Liebster Award. Liebster is a German word which has several meanings - beloved, dearest, sweetest, lovely, cute and several more. In the blogging world the Liebster Award is given to new blogs, with less than 200 followers, that you feel other people need to read. It's a great way to get to know people and help out other upcoming blogs just like your own.

The rules are simple. Thank the person who nominated you and share a link to their blog, answer the questions they asked you and list eleven random facts about yourself. Then write eleven questions that you would like your eleven nominees to answer.

My Answers to Jess' Questions
#1 Why did you start blogging and how have you found it so far?
I needed an excuse for keep buying new things! But on a serious note it was because I kept seeing blogs about expensive clothes and beauty products and people who had glamorous jobs and whilst I love designer jewellery and shopping sprees I wanted to write for that everyday girl, hence the name of my blog. That girl who like me, has lots of hobbies, interests and expensive tastes yet has to juggle that with a busy, and not so glamorous, life. I also love to write and take photos which is a bonus! I've loved every minute of blogging so far as I'm getting to talk to new people and share my thoughts on things I'm passionate about.

#2 What are your favourite beauty blogs?
Though her style is very different to mine, I absolutely love Milly, writer of Pearls and Poodles, her instagram is so pretty, as is her blog... she's also recently married so there was so much wedding stuff! Now this other girl is my absolute favourite, I love her style and she is absolutely gorgeous, if you've not heard of her you need to go and have a look now, she is Charissa Rae.

#3 What's been the funniest moment of your life so far?
Wow, this is a hard one! I have so many funny memories that I've made throughout my life with my friends and family but a total blonde moment for me that everyone still laughs about now is that when I was 17, and watching a Christmas movie, I went "OMG those reindeers look so real". Yes, I thought reindeers were make believe.

#4 If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?
My OCD! It drives me insane having to count little things and make things perfectly even and symmetrical all the time but it does mean everything I do is always very very neat.

#5 Describe the most interesting day of your life?
So it's a cold winters morning, I woke up and set off to work in the ice and as I went to walk down some steps I slipped, but luckily Ian Somehalder was there and caught me, he then asked for my number but I told him no I had a boyfriend and then he cried. OK, thats I lie but a girl can dream ay? Sorry, no interesting days for me to share.

#6 What's the best beauty tip you've ever been given?
Use old mascara brushes as brow brushes! Life saver! Also, just learning how to apply makeup, correctly. If you're gunna do it, do it right!

#7 What's the biggest beauty mistake you've ever made?
Going Blonde *Cough*GINGER*Cough*
Oh and fake tanning before a night out.. when it was raining!

#8 Describe yourself in one word?
Perfectionist, though others may just say I'm picky and a pain in the arse.

#9 You're stranded on a desert island, what 5 things do you want with you?
A towel as I don't like sand, pinapple mai tais on tap, my bikini so I don't get strap marks, Ian Somerhalder, he survived for quite a while in Lost and my mobile so I can blog about my time on the Island.

#10 If you could change your name to anything what would it be?
I honestly don't know! But my family call me Scooby-doo so I'll go with that.

#11 Do you believe that high end products are always better than budget buys?
Nope. I buy most of my beauty products from drugstores. Don't get me wrong there are some high end products which are worth the money but there are also many budget buys that work just as good as the more expensive ones. For instance I love the Natural Collection Lip Liner for only £1.99 as it lasts all day and comes in so many great colours! Sometimes you're just paying for the name. 

11 Random Facts About Me
I love marvels // black is my happy colour // I work with children // I love to cook and bake and eat constantly // I love to talk // I have a teddy called monty // I'm a whiskey drinker // I've broken almost every bone in my left arm // I like to get my own way // I always worry about hurting peoples feelings // I wear size one converse.

I know there isn't 11 here, but being new to blogging I was struggling to find many blogs that were new or hadn't already been nominated. If you have already been nominated I apologise and if I come across any new blogs soon I will be sure to add them to this list.

#1 What's your favourite part of being a blogger?
#2 If you could be any drink what would you be?
#3 What beauty/fashion trends do you love?
#4 And which do you hate?
#5 Who do you look to for inspiration?
#6 What's the weirdest dream you've ever had?
#7 What has been your biggest beauty/fashion mistake?
#8 I love Marvels, what would be your superhero name and power?
#9 What's your biggest addiction?
#10 What's your fondest memory?
#11 What would be your theme song?

I know this has been a really long post but I hope you enjoyed it and I can't wait to read my nominations answers and the facts about themselves. Don't forget to tag me in your post :)

How would you describe yourself in one word?

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